PA QSO Party 2019 (Images courtesy N3BPB Bill)

Always check with event coordinator for final details!
Allegheny County ARES net is on Wednesday nights at 8:00pm on 147.090+ (Also SKYWARN nets)
Westmoreland County ARES net is on Wednesday nights at 8:00pm on 145.15- (Also SKYWARN nets)
Western Pennsylvania Phone Traffic Net is at 5:30 pm daily on 3.918 khz
EPA Phone Traffic Net daily 5:00 PM 3.918
WPA Phone Traffic Net daily 5:30 PM 3.918
As Radio Amateurs, the very reason for our existence is to provide communications in times of emergencies. Because of this, we are given sections of radio spectrum to perform our work. This spectrum is worth billions of dollars to commercial interests and they would love to obtain any of it. As practice for emergency communications we help with communications for public service events.